Chaffcombe Village Coffee Mornings
Chaffcombe has been holding Winter/Spring coffee mornings in the Chaffcombe Village Hall, TA20 4BH, for a number of years mostly every 1st Weds of the month, 10.30-12 noon from Sept -June. Please check in Link or on Chaffcombe Events in Chaffcombe website.
The idea behind it was to provide an opportunity for a regular informal get-together of parishioners and visitors – to meet up and chat, swap news, share ideas, meet new neighbours – to pop in for 10 mins or to stay for the full 90 mins!
Fresh coffee, tea and cakes (nearly always homemade!) are available for a donation to the chosen charity of the month.
There is usually a bring-and-buy stall too, i.e. if people remember to bring!!
It’s proved itself to be a popular event and is very well-supported, so it has a good, friendly atmosphere.
Everyone is welcome – parishioners and visitors, including pre-school children – from the very young to the very old!! Bring a friend/relative or come on your own!!
It started as a social gathering rather than as a money-making venture – hence there is no raffle and only a request for donations to the charity of the month in exchange for coffee/tea and cake.
It is run by parish volunteers every month, but other parishioners often step in and lend a hand
The Itinerary for 2024/25: (all start at 10.30 a.m.)
Wednesday 7th February for our Church
Wednesday 6th March
Wednesday 3rd April
Wednesday May 1st for the Somerset Wildlife Trust and Bluebell Walk
Wednesday September 4th
Wednesday October 2nd for the Reservoir LNR
Wednesday November 6th
Wednesday December 11th for Church
Wednesday February 5th for Newsline
Wednesday March 5th
Wednesday April 2nd
Wednesday May 7th – for the Somerset Wildlife Trust and Bluebell Walk
Wednesday June 4th
Amounts Raised in past
The November 2011 coffee morning was for Handicap International UK. It raised £127.32 to support victims of landmines and cluster bombs. In 2017 the total as £180, and in 2018 it was £260.
The December 2011 coffee morning was well attended – mince pies, stollen cake, cheese scones, flap jacks, coffee and walnut cake were enjoyed by all.
£150 was raised for Shelter ( Taunton)
The 11th January 2012 coffee morning was so well attended that it was necessary to put more chairs out halfway through.
51 people came and enjoyed coffee, homemade cake and chat.
£104.75 was donated to Chaffcombe Village Hall.
The Coffee Morning held on 1st February 2012 made a profit of £82.10 with 28 people attending. The Charity benefiting from this month’s coffee morning will be Air Ambulance.
March 7th 2012 Chaffcombe Coffee morning raised £100 for Somerset Prostate cancer – thank you to all those who came!