Dear all
Anthony Gray
18 Barberry Drive
Somerset TA20 1HR
tele 0146065392
e-mail anthony.gray37@outlook.com
Dear all
Dear friends
from which someone has just
gone, the vestibule for the arrival
of one who has not yet come.
I modernise the anachronism
of my language, but he is no more here
than before. Genes and molecules
have no more power to call
him up than the incense of the Hebrews
at their altars. My equations fail
as my words do. What resources have I
other than the emptiness without him of my whole
being, a vacuum he may not abhor?
Very many thanks on behalf of us & Somerset Wildlife Trust for running the Coffee Morning on Wed 1st May 2024. We were very pleased to find there was such good support and that in the total the amount of £185.35 was raised. This will boost funds to help with management of SWT Blackdowns Nature Reserve and relaunch of the Private and Community Nature Reserve Network.
Several people supported the event from out of area. 26 people enjoyed the walk in Park Wood with a splended display pf Bluebells, Ramsons and other Spring flowers. It was a bit slippery in places after the evening’s rain but only 1 slip. Early Purple Orchids and Herb Paris put on a good show in Pouletts Wood to add interest to the walk. Being cloudy, butterflies weren’t on the wing but it was a fine day in many ways.
A very Big THANK YOU from Valerie and John
Anthony Gray
18 Barberry Drive
Somerset TA20 1HR
tele 0146065392
e-mail anthony.gray37@outlook.com
Dear all
Anthony Gray
18 Barberry Drive
Somerset TA20 1HR
tele 0146065392
e-mail anthony.gray37@outlook.com
Come and enjoy a cuppa + cake and a chat with your friends and then enjoy a walk to see the bluebells. (Some steep slopes, could be wet, wear suitable footwear and clothing). Dogs are not allowed.
The Annual Parish Meeting for Chaffcombe will held at
Chaffcombe Village Hall on Monday 15th April 2024 at 7.30 p.m.
The business to be transacted at the Meeting will be as follows:
1. Report of the Chairman of the Parish Council covering the
activities of the Parish.
2. Minutes of the Parish Meeting 2023.
3. Public Voice.
Mary Butler
Chairman Chaffcombe Parish Council
7th April 2024
Our Coffee Morning held on Weds 3rd April made a profit of £185.10 which has gone towards the purchase of items for our Village Hall kitchen. Thank you to all of you who came and especially to the 17 walkers who came along.
Our next Coffee Morning will be on Weds 1st May and this one is in aid of Somerset Wildlife Trust and at 11.30 a.m. there will be a bluebell walk in Park Wood with the Godsmarks.
See you all then. Best wishes
Mary Butler
Dear Friends
Dear friends
Thank you to everyone who purchased a 2024 calendar.
We made a profit ol £245.00 inctuding donations, which
was shared between the Church (£106;75 + 25% gift aid =
£134.47) and Newsline Talking Newspaper (£138.25 – no
gift aid possible). Profits are slightly down on last year,
because of postage costs, people were not sending them
abroad. There are a few small ones left over, wlrich are in
the church. Please help yourselves.
We hope you liked the calendar and will continue to
support it.
Dave & Val
Dear Friends