Very many thanks on behalf of us & Somerset Wildlife Trust for
running the Coffee morning on Wednesday 3
rd May 2023.
We were very pleased to find there was such good support & that in
total the amount of £183.95 was raised. This will boost funds to
help with management of SWT Nature Reserves.
Several people supported the event from out of area.
More than 40 people enjoyed the walk in Park Wood with a
splendid display of Bluebells, Ramsons and other Spring flowers.
It was a bit too early for the coloured rhododendrons this year.
Early Purple Orchids & Herb paris put on a good show in
Pouletts Wood to add interest to the walk. The sunshine brought
out just a few butterflies but the birds were in full song.
It was a fine day in many ways.
A very Big THANK YOU from Valerie & John