Tuesday 14th February 2023 at 10.0 0 a.m. Weather permitting, of course!
I thought another walk around the village is needed to blow the cobwebs away but this time with a different starting point.
As the main part of the village is planned to be shut to traffic at this time rather than risk the perils of driving down narrow Summer Lane we should start from Oakland’s Car Park (not the Anglers Car Park) nothing to do with being close to home of course!
This is what is proposed:-
Chaffcombe Village Walk Tuesday 14th February 2023 at 10.00am
Oakland Car Park or (Oaklands Road) – Touches Lane (east) – across fields and past Paintmoor Plantation to Paintmoor Lane – Paintmoor Lane (south) – Avishayes Road (east) – Avishays Estate towards Lydmarsh – Whitemore Hill (north – Summer Lane – Court Farm across fields – across fields to Gaylards Lane – Chaffcombe Road – through Nature Reserve to Oakland Car Park.
It is likely to be muddy in parts and there may be some cutting back to be done so be prepared. Hopefully we should see snowdrops and daffodils out as we wander along.
Those who are setting out from the village on foot first off can of course finish at the village en route, no compulsion to do the full round.
Hope this appeals to you and that you will be able to come, possibly clad for light rain showers.
Please wear suitable footwear as it may be very slippery and muddy!!!! All of our walks are voluntary and walkers walk with us at their own risk. No liability is accepted. We try to arrange these monthly walks along our footpaths to clear the overgrowth on the footpaths and enjoy the scenery and each others’ company. More volunteers are needed if we are to continue to keep our footpaths walkable. If you have any secateurs etc. Please feel free to bring them along – suitable gloves are advised if you are helping in this way. Dogs are welcome but must be on a lead.
Hope you can join me for a bit of gentle walking and talking
Best wishes
Anthony Gray, Chaffcombe Parish PPLO 01460 65392